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The roulette game for more than 200 years of history has undergone many changes. At first glance, this game, which has become classic for any respected casino, may seem very simple. Roulette can imagine everyone: a numbered table, a sensitive moving wheel, a ball. But, after a more detailed knowledge of a typical roulette table, you begin to understand that roulette play is much more complicated, interesting and interesting, as it seems at first glance. Moreover, each version, each type of roulette game has its own unique features, confusing an inexperienced player. But, in fact, understanding the complications of the game with any roulette is not so difficult — for that you just have to learn the main rules of this fascinating game of gambling.

But in any case

First of all, it should be said that each casino sets its own rules for how the player should interact with the dealer or dealer at the roulette table.

Any player is not allowed

But in any case, the player can not sit on the table unless he has any chips. Typically, a cruiser who works with a roulette roll does not accept a cash offer. Cash changeover on chips should be made in advance, not during the game. In the same way, the chips can be exchanged for money after the player has received the winnings.

To play roulette

Any player is not allowed to manipulate the game chips after bets have been made to avoid the riots and claims of other players. Bets accept and distribute the dealer, also collect players’ chips if their bets after a wheel stop is a loser.

To play roulette, you have to clearly understand the difference between internal and external rates.

Internal rate is the most risky type of betting. In this case, the bet is made on either a single number or multiple numbers on the roulette wheel. Internal rates can be direct (if a number is chosen) or angular (if 4 numbers are chosen).

Roulette rules In this case, if you want to get a lower score, you can call the so-called. external rates. The external rate is a low-risk game. In this case, the player can bet on the color (in red or black) or on a wide range of numbers.

Another rule of roulette, to be learned by beginners, is the minimum and maximum betting rule on the table. The Minimum Rate rule provides for the protection of the game from the small amount of money set during roulette wheel rotation. You can use the game to a minimum bet to protect yourself against a big loss for a new table of unknown roulette. As far as the maximum bet is concerned, it exists to prevent the player from betting on such a large amount that he will not be able to pay in case of a loss. In other words, the roulette bet must necessarily have a limit in order to avoid misunderstandings and to guarantee full payouts to winning players.

Any bet, any game must adhere to the rules set out to play roulette in this casino.

For example, the French Roulette offers several types of bets including oral bets. Oral rates are relevant, for example, if you can not reach the other end of the game table. In this case, you can ask the dealer to bet you part of the game table you are interested in. If the game is played at a rate that does not suit you, for example, because you do not have time to place a bet, ask the dealer to optimize the pace of the game.

And of course, when you play the roulette, there are a lot of moral and ethical rules, of which, of course, any player should know. For example, eating or drinking during a game is usually not allowed, as this may damage the table’s surface. More liberal casinos allow you to drink alcohol at the same time, though displaying a pretty impressive account for a player who has lost control of it.

Among other things, a roulette player must ensure that his personal items do not fill the surface of the game table. In particular, the dealer can easily escort you out of the casino, for example if you find your mobile phone or video camera next to the chips. The casino can also complain to the player if his bag or wallet agglomerates the surface of the game table.